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Friday, February 3, 2012

Making a List

In my latest effort not to OVERBUY, I made a list of what I needed. This is not a new method, of course, but once I have a list, I find I can wait for a good price or free shipping. The list calms the impulse to buy RIGHT NOW.

On my list:
2 floor lamps. Really, I still have lamps from graduate school and cheapies from Walmart. I was looking at some on slight sale from Ballard sent me a 15% off coupon for my birthday and I was thinking of buying some pillows too. Total cost: under $200. Within the budget.

Some wool rugs for my bathrooms. I hate bathroom rugs because they get disgusting. Then I had the brilliant idea of getting some reasonable wool rugs. I discovered that lots of stylish types do this. So I picked out this rug from Garnet Hill and decided to wait for free shipping. Hate going to stores. Love mail order. Hate shipping charges. Cost: around $35.

My backup wool rug was from LL Bean. It looked something like this. Cost: around $35.

Mirroru from Big Lots. I was hoping for a 20% off coupon.

Soooooooo. Mr FS and I want to California to see his aged P or Parent, as Mr. Wemmick says in Great Expectations. We left on January 25. We knew we would have no internet---unless we made the trek to the public library in the next town.

The day before we left, I got an email from my pals at Big Lots announcing a 20% off coupon FOR a DAY WE WERE IN CALIFORNIA. OK.

Then I learned after the fact that Garnet Hill had a one-day 20% off PLUS FREE SHIPPING SALE. On the 25th.

Then LLBean had a sale on the rug I liked and it sold out before I could order it.

Oh yeah, I let my Ballard coupon lapse. Don't know why.

Total spent: 0. Items remaining on list: all.

Is this karma or what? The price difference isn't huge, but I decided to remain mellow and trust to karma.


Duchesse said...

Maybe time to get a smart phone?

Anonymous said...

Perhaps it meant you have your priorities in the right place...aged parent.

I don't know if there are Hobby Lobby stores in your area but that might be a good place for a mirror.