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Friday, April 24, 2009

Secondhand Chic: A Good Tip and an Admonition

Fridays: not the most inspired time. Luckily, I have something fun to read: Christa Weil's Secondhand Chic. But for those of you who want the Reader's Digest condensed version, here is a tip and an admonition.


In consignment stores, the finer belts are usually showcased under glass. In thrift stores, they're found on a rack at the back of the store, sportily mixed in with the vinyl. (192)


Nothing undercuts a great look faster than a schlepper totebag, which people DO notice, even when it's at the end of you arm. If you need to transport bulky papers to and from work or school, get yourself a stylish carryall. (196)

The belt tip is so true. Take a look at that rack, sisters. Everything is $0.99!

Totebag admonition. I guess I'd better resume my search. I had half-decided that the cough syrup stained boat tote had a certain flair to it. But I guess it does bring down my new Carlisle jacket.

Any good belts, Readers? And don't hesitate to recommend a tote. Still in search.

1 comment:

Duchesse said...

I always enjoy a few good belts, (said in her best Groucho.)

Suggest you buy the Bean tote in a colour that complements your jacket... and if you like monogramming, have it done in same colour as bag or just a tone lighter.