As you may have surmised, I've been on the road. Much of the road did not include access to the internet, though we discovered that if one sat with a laptop by my father-in-law's mailbox, one could pick up access from a neighbor. Still, it's hard to keep up on a tiny EEE computer, with its tiny keyboard.
Things I will not report include many stressful on-going dilemmas. Also, you will not be hearing about our night in the Atlanta airport, caused by running out of fuel while circling, being diverted, and having to wait 5 hours for another crew. OOPS! Well, Delta will be hearing about that one.
To ease back into my writing life, I will report on an event. I went to the grocery for some milk and, of course, nipped into Goodwill, right next door. As always, the workers asked about my vacation. Then a customer-pal said across the room, "You saved me $600.00."
REALLY? what did I do? It turned out that I mentioned to this mother of two boys that it was a good idea to acquire a tuxedo and accessories before the prom season. Each of her boys went to 3 proms, leading to a savings of AT LEAST $600.00.
I had forgotten all about giving that advice, though I have mentioned it a few times in this very place.
A tuxedo is a necessary purchase also for musicians, as I learned when I worked in a vintage shop in Bloomington Indiana, home of an acclaimed music school.
It is easy to find a tuxedo EXCEPT when you need one, so I suggest you start looking now. $5.00 spent on a tux will save $100 in rental fees, an excellent return on investment.
My only question is What should I spend my $600.00 on?

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Home sweet Home and advicel taken....
rest well tonight.
Hope there is an easy jet lag recovery.
Too easy: iPad. Best $600 I've ever spent.
Why spend? Invest! Welcome home, and am awaiting Frugal vs Delta,
I look forward to reading what you can buy with karmic currency...
LOL! Welcome back!
Sounds like you had one of those adventures that's the reason I don't travel by plane anymore.
@Hostess--You are always so sweet. thanks!
@logan--Great idea, but I don't even have an iphone yet....
@Duchesse--A virtual investment would NEVER lose money. Great idea!
@Shelley--Me too. I'll let you know.
@Funny--It WAS gruesome! But we had a wonderful vacation of almost 3 weeks.
I'm late, but welcome back!
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