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Thursday, October 13, 2011

Thai Peanut Sauce plus Customer Service Rant UPS and USPS

OK. I was going to start with the rant, but you don't really care. On my other blog, I wrote about a dinner party I'm planning for my daughter and her college friends. Part of the menu: Thai peanut sauce, which we will serve on tofu and whatever else we can think of (vegetables?).

There are many complex recipes for the sauce, but, owing to my lazy and frugal ways, I searched for the easiest. It is soooo easy. Just made it. It's good.

4 TBS peanut butter
4 TBS vegetable oil (NOT olive)
4 TBS soy sauce
4 TBS sugar
4 TBS vinegar
1 tsp Asian sesame oil (if you don't have this, leave it out. That's what a Thai grandma would do)
a little hot pepper, if you so desire

Now when you crave Thai food, you can pick up a rotisserie chicken and make this sauce. That will save you about $20.00 right there.

OK. I HATE UPS CUSTOMER SERVICE. Of course, hating UPS is like hating the sky: through 3 levels of customer service, I received ye olde "There's nothing I can do about that. I'm sorry you feel that way."

While I'm at it, I also hate the postal service. My p.o. has managed to hold my mail ONCE out of FOUR requests. Oh, and the passport person doesn't feel like processing passports. So no matter what day you go in, you are told, we do that only on ANOTHER DAY. They say this even though the sign says M-Th. Actually, the USPS has much better customer service, because something was done when we complained.

But isn't that peanut sauce good? Check out collegecookingcrashcourse for the rest of the menu.


Shelley said...

I would put that PNB sauce on pasta, I think. It's what we do with nut sauces around here.

One thing about US mail - it's way cheaper than in Britain and the last I knew they forwarded post - or held it (obviously not in your case) - for free. Neither service is free in Britain. On the other hand, no one goes 'postal' over here, so it must not be so bad.

Frugal Scholar said...

@Shelley==Oh, I forgot you could put it on pasta. Thanks for the reminder. Ha-wonder where "pstal" comes from--perhaps the workers who go crazy and shoot their co-workers?

Duchesse said...

The peanut sauce is like mine (but I use fish sauce instead of soy) and yummy... but tofu is only a consideration if it is deep fried ;)