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Sunday, December 26, 2010

Supper of the Lamb: Day 3

Day 1 was the lamb with couscous and greens. In retrospect, this was the least interesting so far.

Day 2 was lamb with Diana Kennedy's Syrian yogurt sauce, far more sublime than the chicken version we've had (still good, of course). One of Frugal Son's high school friends (a picky eater from way back) showed up at dinner time. He deigned to eat some and pronounced it good.

Day 3 was lamb in Thai curry sauce. Even more sublime.

This is a totally flexible recipe as long as you have Thai curry paste and a can of coconut milk. The nice thing about Thai curries is that you can make it a sort of stew. You don't need to worry about overcooking as you do with stir-frying. You can use any combo of veggies you want (or even no veggies). In a pinch, even frozen vegetables would be pretty good.

We are STILL trying to use things up, so we sauteed scallions, cauliflower, pepper, and greens--all from our garden. (Cauliflower was an experiment and it got those little mold spots, which we had to cut off, shrinking the vegetable considerably.) When all was done, we stirred in about 3 TBS red curry paste (though yellow or green would be good too) and a can of coconut milk. Then we stirred in chunks of lamb and some of the broth that remained in the roasting pan.

Of course, we cooked our rice in a rice cooker.

It's this kind of meal that makes me reluctant to spend big bucks at restaurants. It was so easy and so good and so cheap. The conversation was excellent.

I should have taken a picture. We ate it all up. Luckily, Frugal Son eats a lot and fast and is still growing. Coconut milk is verrrrry high in fat.


Duchesse said...

Ooooh coconut milk, the 'candy' that you can use as a savoury! I'm guessing it's wonderful for you to have everyone at home.

Frugal Scholar said...

@Duchesse--And we made it again on our first day back from vacation. Just as good!