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Monday, November 28, 2011

My Cyber Monday Shopping

Well, I succumbed to two cyber Monday tempations: two wearever tank tops from J Jill (which came to $15 bucks a piece) and two black mock turtlenecks from Lands End for Mr FS ($9 bucks each). Free shipping, of course.

Honestly, does it not seem that clothing is too cheap?

What if we were like Germany, with few and strictly regulated sales?

I know for sure that I'd have a lot less stuff.


Duchesse said...

Good for you, Frugal; most persons do not want to consider that question. Anyone wondering exactly how clothes can get so cheap, I recommend this article:

The Vivenne Files said...

Money that we save has to come from somewhere - I know that if something is on sale in a store, someone somewhere had their hours cut. And the volume of merchandise we're hauling right now that comes from China is either appalling or sad...

Frugal Scholar said...

@Duchesse--Many, many thanks for that article.
@Vivienne--So true. Yet I wonder how we can make a difference.