I know this seems ridiculous. But a few readers have used the codes I have posted (Duchesse got some down jackets for the men in her family). Not to mention that I have over 200 items to grade (some requiring a mere glance, most requiring sustained attention) before I can take a breather. So no (or few) posts or responses for a bit.
Anyway, if you can stand Chico's, the code 10977 will give you 50% off your highest priced item if you spend $50. The last thing I bought from Chico's had a gaping hole in the knit fabric when I pulled it from its box. UGH. Now I have to shlep it and myself to a Chico's for the return.
LLBean has 20% off outdoor gear this weekend. Plus, if you spend $50, you get a $10 gift card. My colleague bought himself 4 new plaid flannel shirts. He knows I love soft fabrics, so he let me rub his elbow!
Subway has 2 $2.00 6 inch subs. You have to ask for these. One is meatball; one is cold cuts.
Every day, Lands End has a St Nick's pick. Last year, I got a tote bag with this promotion. They usually have free shipping.
Oh yeah, Powells Books has free shipping and 25% off till Monday. There's a unique code, but they sent me 3, so if you want to patronize this venerable institution, let me know, and I will send you one of my codes. I remember old Mr Powell coming to campus to buy books back in the early 70s.
And remember: it will all be on sale in a mere few weeks.

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