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Monday, April 30, 2012

Learning from Students: Pay Cash for Your House

Even though I am about to have a meltdown from overwork, late papers, and crazy students, I love to teach. And sometimes I even learn stuff from THEM. Today, I inquired of my class about how much I should spend on a wedding gift for a young fellow I've known for...his whole life. Then I asked my sweet student who is about to marry her junior high school boyfriend what her plans were. She said: We're going to live in a trailer.WHAT???? For five years only.WHYYYYYYYYYYYYYYY???? So we can buy a house for cash after five years. I don't like debt. This girl has a 4.0 in her academic work. Also a 4.0 in frugality. Wow.


Anonymous said...

I know in recent years that I've been surprised by the number of my young students who own or are buying homes. I think there are some fantastic bargains out there nowadays, if one has the resources to buy.

Shelley said...

I think living in a trailer or even a motorhome for a while to save up money is a brilliant idea. I lived in one room of a flat for 10 months to save up for a deposit.

I don't even disagree with living in a trailer or a double-wide if one's resources are modest, but not in tornado country...that's just nuts!

SewingLibrarian said...

My first thought echoed Shelley's - not in tornado areas!

Duchesse said...

Is that cheaper than an apartment?

Frugal Scholar said...

@Terri--Yes, but in the very same class is an equally sweet young fellow who told me he lost a house to foreclosure--he is 21.

@Shelley--Spoken by an Oklahoma native!

@SL--I think they may be living on family land, so they could seek a safer spot in case of tornado warnings.

@Duchesse--See above--I would guess they are on family land. Also, rents are surprisingly high around here.