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Tuesday, January 26, 2010

Cheap Chic at Big Lots: Asian Ceramic Garden Seats, I mean, Drums

I love Big Lots. It is responsible for most of my savings on groceries--to wit, big cans of organic Muir Glen tomatoes for $1.00; imported pasta from Italy that is made with bronze dies for about the same; cranberry sauce for a mere quarter--and the list goes on. It is also conveniently located less than a mile from my home in the Frugal Shopper's paradise: in a line up with Goodwill, Rouses (local grocery) and Dollar Tree.

Chic, however, is a strange concept. Big Lots has been the site of purely pragmatic shopping. Till yesterday.

While strolling though with my 20% off coupon (sent to my email, but also available all over the internet), I happened upon CERAMIC GARDEN STOOLS. If you read even the occasional decorating mag, or get any home catalogs, you have seen these. They serve as side tables, paired as coffee tables, and more. Some even serve as garden stools.

You can find beautiful painted antiques, but most commonly these are plain (or even metallic). They cost, at the least, about $100.00. But the prices go up and up, depending on the prestige of the venue.

At Big Lots, the price is a shocking $20.00. I got 2 in a burgundy color, which happens to be a color in my Grandma's old oriental rug. They are now sitting--chicly--next to the chairs in my living room.

These should continue to be available, since they are pictured in the "Outdoor Life" catalog now at your local Big Lots. They come in blue, white, and red (but more burgundy, if mine are standard).

Please, Big Lots, sage green would be nice.

P.S. Big Lots calls these "Ceramic Garden Drums," with a caveat "not weight tested." However, I sat on mine before I read the disclaimer, and it supported my weight just fine. Don't try this at home.


Anonymous said...

Have you seen the coupon at ?

I miss living near a Big Lots. I frequently wear two pairs of excellent jeans that I purchased there for under $12 each.

Frugal Scholar said...

Thanks for including the link.

I am very ahppy to have a Big Lots nearby. It's a recent addition to my town.

Funny about Money said...

Wow! That's amazing. There's a Big Lots not too far away on the westside. I'll have to run over there and check it out.