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Saturday, January 16, 2010

Cooking from My Pantry: Progress and Plans

I want to make a dent in my food stockpile, so I set a rather arbitrary goal of spending $25.00 a week. No biggie if I don't stick to this.

Tuesday: Baked potatoes stuffed with cheese and sour cream with one of those fancy salad blends (on sale for 99 cents).

Wednesday: Winter squash soup (32 oz. Pacific boxed soup was 99 cents at Big Lots; I bought a bunch a while back) doctored with roasted peppers and extra onion browned with bacon. We ate another of the fancy salad blends mentioned above. I thought Frugal Son would love these, but he refused to eat them because they are "over-packaged." Ergh to the holier than thou 20 year old.

Thursday: Deborah Madison's lentil minestrone beloved by Mr. FS. With bread. This is a meal in a bowl. We used greens from the garden, which improved in the cold weather.

*****Went to the dreaded WM for bird food. Spent $13.00 on people food while we were there. The "budget buster": 2 bottles of rooster hot sauce for Mr. FS, who is an addict.

Friday: Made Italian wedding soup, which features meatballs (frozen, made by Son), stock (Thanksgiving!), kale (garden), beans and other odds and ends.

Saturday: leftovers of above-mentioned soups.

We walked to the little neighborhood grocery in the beautiful breezy weather. Mr. FS further busted the budget by buying his favorite cheap wine: Frontera Carmenere.

I only have $5.00 left. Mr. FS suggested that I employ creative accounting or deficit spending. Just like the big guys do.


Duchesse said...

I admire your soup menus. We are at home for lunch too (our office is part of the house) so dinners of soup happen maybe biweekly. And I love soup!

Over the Cubicle Wall said...

any special good luck meal for the Saints game? Is there a 'Who Dat?' Soup?

Someone said...

Sounds delicious actually!

2 things: OMG do you mean Sriracha Vietnamese red pepper sauce? LOVE it. Ever used it over scrambled eggs? My fave!!

And, have you ever done ramen noodles closer to Japanese style (actually similar to full-on phở in a way)? I used to saute some flowering kale, ripe bell peppers of whatever color, garlic, onion, and maybe one other veggie in peanut oil (and seasoned with sesame oil), then toss it into a bowl of ramen. This really kicks it up and it's oh so satisfying on a winter day.

Frugal Scholar said...

@Duchesse--Soup is my favorite food to cook and to eat. We eat it almost every day.

@Cubicle--I am embarrassed to say that we don't really watch sports...but the Saints didn't need good luck from us. The streets were absolutely empty on Sunday. It was eerie.

@Someone--Yes--That's the sauce! We'll try it on ramen. Thanks for the tip. My husband eats it on almost everything.