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Friday, April 1, 2011

My New All-Clad Frying Pan

I have been pining for an All-Clad frying pan to supplement the huge saute pan I spent OVER $100 on about ten years ago (it's a lot more now--see below).

Guess what? I am the owner of one. As I was decluttering, I decided to pack away some of the pots I don't use too much. I'm keeping them because they might be desired by Miss Em or Frugal Son in the not-so-distant future. As I was packing things away, I uncovered--you guessed it--a 12-inch All-Clad with a $10.00 sticker. I must have bought it at a thrift and forgotten about it.

Unbelieveable. It says something about how all these bargains don't make a dent on my consciousness. I certainly neglected to honor the wonderful pan that came my way....when?

All-Clads are great. Now I just have to decide what I will get with the money I saved.

These are my beauties.

I don't have a lid, but this one does and is a pretty good deal for a lifetime pan.

Have you ever "lost" something wonderful because of clutter--mental and or physical?


Duchesse said...

How wonderful! We cook only with All Clad and will likely pass it on to our sons once it's time for the big compost heap in the sky.

I've regularly found bargains I've squirrled away (and not always proud of them)- nothing as spectacular as yours! Tell us your first 'christening' recipe!

Suzy said...

Merry Christmas!! (That's what I say to myself when I come across something I didn't know or didn't remember I had!)

btw, what's good about All Clad and is it a specific brand or a type that different brands make? I've only bought 2 'what I considered decent' (aka QVC told me they were on tv!) the first, T-Fal I think they lied about (I'm way too rough or at least was at the time) and then the Cook's Essentials Hard Anodized which I still use(also got 2 pieces of Cook's EssentialsQVC stainless that's been ok but more easily scratched) the hard anodized has been good but is pretty heavy.
A friend is replacing all hers with stainless because she's convinced it causes alzheimer's...I was drooling but she said her daughter wanted it..darn it! But honestly I'm about to purge in the kitchen - I have too much stuff and not enough room though all the pans get used one time or another(sigh..often because one is dirty but that's another weakness!) but I have some higher up cabinets I can store the stuff not used so much and keep my 5 most used close by.


Suzy said...

btw, did you or anyone here try either of those cabbage recipes you posted a little while back? I was thinking of trying the braised cabbage this week if I can make it to the 29ct per lb cabbage sale before it ends Tues night..

Northmoon said...

I just came across 3 pairs of winter pants when I was in the basement looking for something else. I'd forgotten all about them. Says something about my perceived need for more clothes!

Funny about Money said...

Glorioski! What a find!!!

I wrecked my little All-Clad knockoff -- a Cuisinart -- just yesterday. Scorched some grease to the bottom so decided to use the boiling baking soda maneuver. This would've been fine if I hadn't gone off and plopped myself in front of the computer and forgotten it and let it boil dry.

It's now all discolored and pitted. {sigh} So guess I'll be watching the estate sales to replace it.

Wait...i just noticed Suzy's comment! What???? The friend thinks her fancy aluminum pans cause Alzheimer's, so she gives them to her daughter? And this lady's name is...what? Medea?

Frugal Scholar said...

@Duchesse--I think my next will be a big sauce pan...Sadly, I just cooked a big batch of tacos in it. Nothing that special.

@Suzy--Truly! It was like a wonderful present. All-Clad is very heavy and very well made. There are reviews all over the internet and in Cooks Illustrated. Whether it's worth the premium is another story. I wouldn't buy this in a non-stick b/c nonstick coatings don't last forever...

@Suzy--We made so much cabbage soup (still some in freezer!) that I didn't do the braise. I'd love to know also if anyone tried it.

@Northmoon--I do that all the time. Of course, no one has basements here, so I don't even have that excuse.

@funny--Cuisinart cookware (I have a few pieces) is not in the same league at all--much more flimsy.

Suzy said...

@Funny - well I don't think the daughter's gotten them yet LOL! but the daughter doesn't think they cause alzheimer's.

I've read reviews for different cookware and seems everyone has a favorite and none are the same LOL!